South Dakota Ag and Rural Leadership

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First Dakota National Bank Seminar on Agriculture, Finance, & Economic Development

Day 1

Today we began our 7th seminar in Yankton which is the First Dakota National Bank Seminar on Agriculture, Finance, & Economic Development. We began the day with updates from SDARL members. It’s only been about three weeks since we last met but everyone has been busy with lots to share!

Our first speakers were First Dakota National Bank representatives Nate Franzen (Class I), Kevin Haselhorst (Class XI), and Kevin Blagg (Class XII). They led a discussion on ag financing and what that looks like in today’s environment. Some of the topics that were covered were how they look at different credits, an outlook of what they see in the agricultural environment, and the relationship between a banker and their clients. They all shared with us their expertise in ag banking and the ways they help their customers become more successful operators.

Next, Class XII heard from Jim Connors who is a professor at SDSU and a professionally registered and accredited Parliamentarian. He shared numerous examples of how parliamentary procedure can help efficiency and professionalism when done correctly. He also shared examples of how the opposite can happen when this is done incorrectly. Jim provided great insight into how knowing the proper way to conduct a meeting can be a benefit to everyone involved and will be a knowledgeable resource for many of us going forward.

We then made a short trip to the Lewis and Clark Regional Water System near Vermillion. There, Plant Supervisor Mike Duchscher met with us and gave us some background information on the treatment and distribution system which provides southeast South Dakota, southwest Minnesota, and northwest Iowa a clean and reliable water source. During the tour portion, Mike explained and showed us how water is taken from aquifers in the Missouri River, pumped eight miles to the water plant and then distributed to their 20 different members.

We ended the evening with a social and dinner with SDARL alumni at The Pointe in Elk Point which was hosted by Corey (Class XI) and Kathleen Chicoine. We had a lot of good conversations with our classmates as well as alumni and are looking forward to the next two days.

Day 2

Day two started with a trip to the SDSU Southeast Research Farm located near Beresford. Farm supervisor Peter Sexton gave us a background on the farm and what they do in terms of finding solutions and planning for issues that may arise in the future of crop production. Operations manager Brad Rops then gave Class XII a tour of the research farm where they put a lot of focus on soil health. We looked at different test plots of corn, soybeans, rye, oats, and alfalfa and how they interact with variables such as tillage, chemical, weed pressure, and moisture. Brad did a great job of explaining how their research can help area producers make the best decisions on their operation.

After the tour we traveled to the farm of Chad (Class IX) and Jamie Nelsen near Viborg where they graciously served lunch for everyone. Chad talked about his operation and about what they are doing in order for the next generation to be successful on their farm.

After our brief but impactful stop at the Nelsen's, we made our way back to Yankton where we met at Stockmen’s Livestock, the highest volume sale barn in South Dakota. Owner/auctioneer Greg Ryken talked with us about how he became an auctioneer and eventual owner of Stockmen’s. He has done numerous updates to the property over the years and it's known throughout the state and region as the premier place to sell and buy cattle. Greg and auctioneer Dan Koupal then gave us a tour of the facilities and illustrated to us where the cattle go when they come in off the truck and the effort that it takes to keep the cattle organized and arrive to the ring in time.

We then had a panel discussion with the following rural economic developers:

Nancy Wenande - CEO of Yankton Thrive

Nick Fosheim - Dakota Resources

Todd Van Maanen (Class III) - Earth1 Engineering

Dan Specht - Vision Realty

In our panel discussion we talked about issues such as what the city of Yankton is doing to continue to grow, rural housing, and what rural communities can do to continue to thrive in today’s rural economy. The best part about having these four experts visit with us is that we now know who to contact with community involvement questions.

Our supper tonight was sponsored by Jim (Class I) and Sharon Petrik, and Amy (Class II) and Gary Freeburg. The food, drinks, and company were great but most people will remember this evening because we finally found out where Class XII will be going for our international seminar...Argentina!

Day 3

The third and final day in Yankton began with Class XII welcoming Logan Joyce of Gray Matter Growth back to our group. Logan is the DISC trainer and coach with whom we met during Seminar 2 back in December where we discussed our StrengthsFinder assessments. This time around we focused more on understanding our emotional intelligence. Throughout the morning, he led us through some eye-opening exercises which helped each of us discover who we are as individuals and as leaders.

After lunch we met with Ryan Forbes and Eric Barsness from NRCS. We had a great discussion on the different programs they offer as well as the services that are provided through the NRCS office. Soil erosion and soil health were two of the main talking points. They talked about the pros and cons of different practices that producers are using and how they can not only impact the land in the next season but also the impact it may have for generations to come.

Our final speaker of the day was Alan Hojer (Class VII). Alan is a Certified Estate Planner and Legacy Consultant with Keep Farmers Farming which is a division of First Dakota National Bank. We were fortunate to hear Alan speak about the importance of estate planning and the tools he uses to assist producers during a transition period. Alan provides a much-needed service and we are thankful that he was willing to share his knowledge on this subject with us.

It was a great session and we're looking forward to seeing everyone again next month in Aberdeen!

By Seminar Reporter Russ Samson

Photos courtesy of Jenna Adamson and SDARL

Special thanks to Seminar Team Leaders Eric Roskens and Kevin Blagg